REM New Jersey

Helping people with disabilities live full, joyful lives

We believe everyone deserves to live well. From finding new hobbies to building independent living skills, our team works closely with each person we serve to learn what living well means for them. We create a plan of service for each person, with the unique mix of supports that are right for their needs. This may include residential services, day programs, and other supports to help them reach their goals.

REM New Jersey is a part of the Sevita family. Sevita is a leading provider of home and community-based specialty health care.

REM New Jersey serves individuals throughout the state.  Contact our team now

Young Caucasian man sitting in wheelchair in his living room with a female caregiver

Group Homes

We offer warm, comfortable group homes where the people we serve can be a part of neighborhood life. Caring staff are there 24/7 to help individuals build daily living skills and enjoy their favorite activities. Depending on each person’s needs and goals, services may include:

  • Independent living skill development such as cooking, shopping, and personal care
  • Fun activities that match their interests
  • Medication administration
  • Behavioral supports
  • Transportation
Caucasian man with glasses working on a painting art project in his day program

Day Habilitation

Our Day Habilitation program is a fun community space to make new friends while building independent living skills. The people we serve choose fun activities that help them reach their goals. Depending on each person’s needs and interests, supports may include:

  • Daily living skill development
  • Social skill development
  • Fun activities such as art, music, and community outings
  • Behavioral supports

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Person-Centered Services

All of our services are tailored to each person’s unique needs. We get to know each person we serve so we can understand their their goals, values, and preferences. Then we work with the individual to create a plan of support that helps them reach their full potential, whatever that means for them. As their needs change, we’re here to support them each step of the way.

I’ll take the group home over the state hospital any day! Ken sitting on steps of a train and smiling Ken Individual Served Read Ken's Story

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Please fill out the form below to learn more about how we help individuals with a wide range of challenges thrive.

Every person has the right to live well.

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